Oh my Satoshi
<p><strong><code>2014-02-12</code></strong> CSW participated in the discussion of Bitcoin in Sydney, [Bitcoin IS at Sydney’s Informa Conference 2014] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PtAqNpEm7w&t=0s&index= 6&list=PLT6LGqh34WMBUFn-NBpiT1UQpd-xnpDkc)</p>
<p><strong><code>2014-02-12</code></strong> CSW Program [opening the first Bitcoin-based bank this year] (https://www.businessinsider.com.au/aussie-technologists-are-opening-the- Worlds-first-bitcoin-based-bank-this-year–2014–2), but at the time the Australian ATO had not clarified how it would handle the bitcoin-related goods and services tax</p>
<p><strong><code>2014-07-09</code></strong> CSW was interviewed at Bitcoin Melbourne Conference <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GuqlQvFYJo">Video 1</a>, [Video 2] (https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0ttVAPKgTA), <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yB2YVJg6f1s">Video 3</a>, [Chinese translation] (https://v.youku .com/v_show/id_XMzk1MTU0OTMwOA==.html?spm=a2hzp.8244740.0.0). Described in the CSW video is MetaNet announced in 18 years.</p>
<p><strong><code>2014-08-20</code></strong> ATO ruled that for capital gains tax, [cryptocurrency should be treated as an asset rather than a currency] (https://www.abc.net.au/news/ 2014–08–20/bitcoin-will-not-be-taxed-as-money-ato-says/5683974). So CSW cannot continue to build the Bitcoin business empire in Australia.</p>
<p><strong><code>2014-08-26</code></strong> CCTV NEWS [Interview with Charles Sturt University Researcher CSW About Hacker Wars</p>
<p><strong><code>2014-08-26</code></strong> CSW Interview at Bitcoin Expo <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GuqlQvFYJo&feature=youtu.be">video</a>, talked about BlackNet (also It is later MetaNet)</p>
<p><strong><code>2014-09-XX</code></strong> CSW begins <a href="https://archive.vn/Q66Gl">DeMorgan’s CEO</a></p>
<li>In the six years since the company’s first company was founded, we have completed several bitcoin-based research projects that have been ongoing and are now ready for commercialization.</li>
<li>Two HPC systems (supercomputers) run by the company as well as AI and machine learning activities</li>
<li>Video: <a href="https://gizmodo.com/this-australian-says-he-and-his-dead-friend-invented-bi-1746958692">Gizmodo reporter visits DeMorgan’s office</a></li>
<li><p>DeMorgan’s control Cloudcroft</p>
<p> - It controls [two supercomputers] in the Fortune 500 (https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2015/12/11/bitcoin-creator-satoshi-craig-wright-lies-hoax/ #19b66a676794) - Ranked 15th in the world <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20150717182621/http://top500.org/system/178468">CO1N</a> and ranked 327th <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20170704110353/https://www.top500.org/system/178514">Sukuriputo Okane</a>.</p>
<p> - CSW’s <a href="https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3065857">Investigating the Potential of Using the Bitcoin Blockchain as the Main Infrastructure for Internet Commerce in the World</a> Supercomputer of 26W+ core</p>
<p> - This page shows 2 supercomputers belonging to Tulip Trading (Tulip Trading)</p>
<p> - These two supercomputers are SGI production, but [SGI denies that Cloudcroft is purchased from SGI] (https://www.zdnet.com/article/sgi-denies-links-with-alleged-bitcoin-founder-craig-wright/ #ftag=RSSbaffb68),CSW <a href="https://www.economist.com/briefing/2016/05/02/craig-steven-wright-claims-to-be-satoshi-nakamoto-is-he">Interpretation Main Causes</a> He combined SGI’s equipment with competitor Supermicro’s equipment on 2015–05–29. The second thing is confidentiality, because this machine is used to test his ideas about how to improve Bitcoin. <a href="">link 2 is not available</a></p>
- CSW has spent over 15 years on ITMASTER’s free course <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfoFFyypJxs">Free Short Course: Programming on Supercomputers</a></li>
<p><strong><code>2014-09-08</code></strong> Nakamoto Satoshin@gmx.com The mailbox was attacked by a person who claimed to be a hacker [link 1] (https://web.archive.org/web/20180623222236/https:/ /motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/jp5dk8/the-satoshi-nakamoto-email-hacker-says-hes-negotiating-with-the-bitcoin-founder),[link 2] (https://bitcointalk.org /index.php?topic=775174.0),<a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20180601113854/https://pastebin.com/7gbPi8Qr">link 3</a></p>
<li>Hackers reminded Nakamoto in the p2pfoundation forum [information leak] (https://web.archive.org/web/20180628142943/http://p2pfoundation.ning.com:80/forum/topics/bitcoin-open-source? Xg_source=activity&id=2003008:Topic:9402&page=4).</li>
<li>At some time after 2018–06–28 this reply was deleted</li>
<p><strong><code>2014-10-17</code></strong> CSW registered <a href="https://domainbigdata.com/nj/gUU3kOJtEevLy9DnpdYUgw">tuliptrading.net</a> domain name</p>
<p><strong><code>2014-11-XX</code></strong> CSW’s company Hotwire performs <a href="https://medium.com/@craig_10243/the-fury-fb603e344d20">clearing</a>. <a href="https://web.archive.org/web/20160310185210/http://www.mcgrathnicol.com/app/uploads/D14-140526-Hotwire439AReport-BFK.pdf">2016–03–10 uploaded liquidation report</a></p>
Original post: reddit.com/r/bitcoinsv/
Original Source: github.com/Time02/SatoshiTimeLine
Published by Time on Feb 23, 2019
English translation by StackmyBCHup
forked on github.com/StackmyBCHup/SatoshiTimeLine
In Satoshi We Trust!
refers to Craig Steven Wright (Craig S Wright).
refers to Dave Kleiman computer forensics expert
refers to David Rees is a professor of pure mathematics at the University of Exeter
refers to Hal Finney Bitcoin early contributors
Gavin Andresen
The main developer of Bitcoin software, after the retreat of Nakamoto, the development rights are given to Gavin Andresen
Jon Matonis
is one of the directors and founders of the Bitcoin Foundation
means the Australian Taxation Office
is an experimental “information market” that allows for completely anonymous two-way information exchange of various information.
born out of BlackNet
CSW began working in IT at KMart in 1985 and subsequently joined the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) [Source 1] (https://www.computerworld.com.au/article/print /188871/aussie_achieves_world_first_audit_certification/), [CSW contempt of court cases] (http://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/sinodisp/au/cases/nsw/NSWCA/2005/368.html?stem=0&synonyms= 0&query=%22craig%20wright%22)
CSW began a double degree in B.Eng/BSci at the University of Queensland [source] (https://web.archive.org/web/20151208225303/http://gse-compliance.blogspot .com/2008_03_02_archive.html)
CSW withdrew from the University of Queensland because of cancer. Source 1
, received advanced cancer treatment, lost the degree at the time
Timothy C. May recorded BlackNet first appeared
Timothy C. May published article “Encryption Anarchy and Virtual Community” (
[Crypto Anarchy and Virtual Communities
] (https://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/classes/6.805/articles/crypto/cypherpunks/may-virtual-comm.html)) mentioned BlackNet
BlackNet is an experimental “information market” that allows for completely anonymous two-way information exchange of various information. According to reports, the US authorities have investigated this because it exists in the network of the Ministry of Defense research laboratory.
CSW and Assange have long been in disagreement ([link 1] (https://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/classes/6.805/articles/crypto/cypherpunks/ May-virtual-comm.html), link 2
CSW had a conversation with Timothy C. May on the mailing list, and should know BlackNet
Timothy C. May article “Unable to track digital cash, information market and BlackNet” ([Untraceable Digital Cash, Information Markets, and BlackNet
Adam Back invents Hashcash Source
CSW started working on the Australian Stock Exchange Source
CSW founded DeMorgan as Managing Director (Managing Director)
Became one of the first IT security service providers in Australia’s top 150 companies, focusing on managed security and security system design, focusing on financial services, banking and technology markets.
CSW leaves the Australian Stock Exchange Source
Wei Dai released b-money
CSW received a Doctor of Theology in 1998–2003 - Comparative Religion and Classical Studies to be confirmed
CSW designed to launch the world’s first online casino, Lasseter’s Online
The world’s first online casino to receive government regulation and licensing. CSW serves as Information Systems Manager. Having 160,000 international clients in 2001
CSW has been involved in many gaming operations required verification
CSW has designed and managed many implementations of systems that protect the Australian Stock Exchange [to be confirmed] (https://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/technology/hunted-must -become-hunter-to-combat-cyber-crime/news-story/5e4ec0b09d8121f5431cc6b0c84db5ac?nk=906956441decfcc17c48d87337856b35–1547103254)
2003–2004 CSW Completed Master of Network and Systems Management (MNSA) - IT Network - Charles Sturt University (CSU)
Already confirmed by the University of Charleston to Forbes magazine
DK and CSW met at an online password forum in 2003. Both have a long-term interest in cybersecurity, digital forensics and money futures.
CSW Retired DeMorgan’s Managing Director
2004–2006, CSW received Master of Management (MMgt) - Management, Finance - Charles Sturt University, [already confirmed by Charles Sturt University to Forbes magazine] (https://www. Forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2015/12/11/bitcoin-creator-satoshi-craig-wright-lies-hoax/#19b66a676794)
HAL released rpow, reusable proof of work
2004–10 to 2009–01 at the accounting firm BDO Kendalls Associate Director (Risk Services). link 1, link 2, published in 2008 " Overwriting Hard Drive Data: The Great Wiping Controversy confirms this.
2005–2008, CSW received Master of Information Systems Security (MInfoSysSec), IT Security - Charles Sturt University [already confirmed by Charles Sturt University to Forbes magazine] (https://www. Forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2015/12/11/bitcoin-creator-satoshi-craig-wright-lies-hoax/#19b66a676794)
CSW Master of Statistics (MSTAT), Quantitative Statistics - Newcastle University need to be certified
But the level is seen in papers after CSW
2005–4–25 to 2011–07–24 Obtained 20+ certification [official website check] (https://www.giac.org/certified-professional/craig-wright /107335)
20+ authentication
GIAC Security Specialist
GSE-MALWARE -GIAC Malware Security Specialist
GIAC certified ISO–27000 expert
GSAE -GIAC Security Audit Highlights
GSE-COMPLIANCE: GIAC Security Compliance Specialist
GCFA - GIAC Certified Forensic Analyst
GSNA -GIAC Systems and Network Auditors
GREM -GIAC Certified Reverse Engineering Malware
GLEG-GIAC Legal Issues
GSEC-GIAC Security Foundation Certification
GCIH-GIAC authentication event handler
GSLC- GIAC Safety Leadership Certification
GCPM - GIAC Certified Project Manager
GCUX-GIAC Certified UNIX Security Administrator
GAWN -GIAC Assessment Wireless Network
GWAPT-GIAC certified web application penetration testing program
GISF- GIAC Information Security Foundation
GSSP-.NET -GIAC Security Software Programmer .NET
GPEN-GIAC Penetration Tester
Ian Grigg has released triple accounting
According to Australian public records, [CSW applies for personal bankruptcy and is rejected] (https://gizmodo.com/this-australian-says-he-and-his-dead-friend- Invented-bi–1746958692)
CSW discusses on the encrypted mailing list: pre-encryption signature and post-encryption signature
CSW announces its ISFCE Management Certification Computer Exam (CCE)® certification, [Source 1] (https://web.archive.org/web/20151208225303/http://gse- Compliance.blogspot.com/2008_03_02_archive.html), Source 2
According to Australian public records, [CSW applies for personal bankruptcy and is rejected] (https://gizmodo.com/this-australian-says-he-and-his-dead-friend- Invented-bi–1746958692)
CSW discusses on the encrypted mailing list: pre-encryption signature and post-encryption signature
CSW announces its ISFCE Management Certification Computer Exam (CCE)® certification, [Source 1] (https://web.archive.org/web/20151208225303/http://gse- Compliance.blogspot.com/2008_03_02_archive.html), Source 2
CSW and DK co-authored “CHFI Official Study Guide (Exam 312–49)” published [Source 1] (https://www.sciencedirect.com/book/9781597491976/the- Official-chfi-study-guide-exam–312–49#book-description),Source 2
Nakamoto Satoshi: Design Bitcoin since 2007, more work It is design, not coding.
Spend a lot of time researching and designing bitcoin, when the future direction of exploration has been considered: escrow transactions, bonded contracts, third-party arbitration, multi-party signatures, etc.
The US federal government filed a complaint against e-Gold, a sale of convertible gold Digital currency company.
The government believes that the project has enabled money laundering and child pornography because users do not need to provide thorough identification. The company’s owner was found guilty of operating an unlicensed money transfer business, while the CEO was sentenced to several months of house arrest.
CSW wrote in Bolg that it is being researched [a method of automated use of money] (https://web.archive.org/web/20151208225056/http://gse-compliance .blogspot.com/2007_11_25_archive.html). To be confirmed.
CSW joins the United Church (New South Wales) Trust Association Ltd. Joint Financial Services Trustee. (a trustee of the church), source 2
The specific time of joining should be earlier than 2007
CSW, DK and Shyaam Sundhar co-authored a paper “Rewriting Hard Drive Data” - published in ICISS2008 and included in the Computer Science Series Lecture (LNCS, Volume 5352)
CSW published an article in the SANS NS 2008 Las Vegas “Advanced Methods to Remotely Determine Application Versions” (pdf:https:/ /zh.scribd.com/presentation/358776685/Application-Determination)
CSW once in BDO Work lost in layoffs
The layoffs gave CSW a compensation fee, so it can continue to work in 2009
CSW gave a speech at Google’s Google DataMiners 2008 [Using Neural Networks to Improve Security Intelligence] (https://web.archive.org/web/20151208225206/http://gse -compliance.blogspot.com/2008_01_20_archive.html)
CSW wrote an article [“What is an ”Electronic Contract"" What is an electronic contract] (https://web.archive.org/web/20140602023941/http://gse -compliance.blogspot.com.au/2008_01_27_archive.html)
CSW wrote an article [“Trusting electronically signed documents” trusted electronic signature file] (https://web.archive.org/web/20151122210704/http://gse-compliance. Blogspot.com/2008/01/trusting-electronically-signed.html)
CSW completed a LLM (International Business Law) graduate degree from Northumbria University (UK) student number: 05024288 /http://gse-compliance.blogspot.com/2008_03_02_archive.html)
CSW was received by others in 2008 [诽谤 and question] (https://web.archive.org/web/20151123033848/http://gse-compliance.blogspot.com /2008/03/lies-damned-lies-and-statistics-of.html)
CSW and DK about e-mail topic: The difficulty of the law on the Internet, Reply from DK
Email used by CSW: Craig.Wright @bdo.com.au
An email from CSW to DK during the 15-year gizmodo leak: [Requires DK to help him with the work of bitcoin] (https://i.kinja-img.com/ Gawker-media/image/upload/knlyk7dpjqucpmiojhs8.png)
Netizen questioned: Email used on the same day: craig.wright@information-defense.com
CSW was awarded the SANS Technical Institute Rated Security Heroes
CSW published paper: Impact of Internet Intermediary Responsibility
Content: Research on Bitcoin Node Compliance
CSW Publications [IT Stewardship and Standards Compliance Manual] (https://books.google.com/books?id=RizmpbOHvf4C&dq=Auditing+Unix+and+ Linux+Craig+Steven+Wright&hl=zh-CN&source=gbs_navlinks_s),[The IT Regulatory and Standards Compliance Handbook](https://www.bokkilden.no/matematikk-for-oekonomer-og-forretningssystemer/the-it-regulatory -and-standards-compliance-handbook-craig-s-wright/produkt.do?produktId=3028230)
Nakamoto registered bitcoin.org domain name
Pre-release draft of the Satoshi Bitcoin White Paper Title: No electronic cash for trusted third parties
Nakamoto Satoshi and Wei Dai three emails
Satoshi Nakamoto first publicly released the Bitcoin white paper [Title: Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System] (https://www.mail-archive.com/cryptography@metzdowd.com/msg09959 .html)
CSW A [blog article] (https://web.archive.org/web/20140307084448/http://gse-compliance.blogspot.com.au/2008 /11/entropy.html)
Announced his own PGP public key.
After the public key uses pgpdump, it shows that it is associated with satoshin@vistomail.com. For details, see 2015–12–08
Nakamoto believes that only miners need to run network nodes. And predicted the emergence of mining pools and mines. link
At first, most users would run network nodes, but as the network grew faster than a certain point, professionals with server farms with specialized hardware (that is, later discovered mines) ran network nodes.
A server farm (that is, a mine that appears later) only needs to have one node (ie, a mine pool) on the network, and the rest of the network is connected to that node.
The Bitcoin project is registered on the open source project community resource SourceForge.net.
Nakamoto said in the encrypted mailing list: the previous one and a half years have been perfecting the bitcoin code unavailable
CSW completed the Master of Information Systems Security at Charles Stewart University (https://web.archive.org/web/20151208225230/http://gse-compliance. Blogspot.com/2008_11_30_archive.html)
2009 - 2010 CSW received MSD, Master of Systems Development - Charles Sturt University
Satoshi Nakamoto released Bitcoin v0.1 version (original The link has expired)
HAL published version 0.1.0 in bitcointaik forum, [backup on s3] (https://satoshi.nakamotoinstitute.org/code /), github saved version
2017–09–23 CSW Earliest public representation: [bitcoin source code] ( There are poker games in https://github.com/trottier/original-bitcoin/blob/master/src/uibase.cpp), including poker, deal me out, fold. Call (call), raise (raise) and other terms.
The CSW blog declares [release bitcoin beta version] (https://web.archive.org/web/20140602022810/http://gse-compliance.blogspot.com. Au/2009_01_04_archive.html)
- blogspot This blog system can modify the time.
- Archived website record: This article [article] for 14 years (https://web.archive.org/web/20140602022810/http://gse-compliance.blogspot.com.au/2009_01_04_archive.html); 15 years already Was deleted article
- CSW may have modified the website article [this article from 2006–1–8] (https://web.archive.org/web/20140602023631/http://gse-compliance.blogspot.com.au/2006_01_08_archive .html) appeared in 2009–1–8
- At some point between 2014 and 2015, CSW revised a 2008 [blog article] (https://web.archive.org/web/20140602022658/http://gse-compliance.blogspot. Com.au/2008_08_24_archive.html), added cryptocurrency vocabulary
The first transaction of Bitcoin, Nakamoto sent to HAL Transaction TX
CSW established a company: Information Defense Pty Ltd
Nakamoto Satoshi Register P2P Foundation Website
Nakamoto switched the bitcoin code from sourceforge to github, version: BitCoin v0 .1.5 ALPHA
Sakamoto registered bitcointalk Forum
Zhongchong Forum first post
Thanksgiving DK tells Ira (DK brother) that he is working with a wealthy foreigner to create a “digital currency,” or CSW. Source: DK relatives sued CSW case file
2010–1 to 2015–6 CSW is a lecturer at Charles Sturt University, developing and promoting a master’s degree in digital forensics [as confirmed by Charles Sturt’s statement to Forbes] (https:/ /www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2015/12/11/bitcoin-creator-satoshi-craig-wright-lies-hoax/#19b66a676794).
CSW’s company De Morgan is on bankruptcy [Craig Stephen Wright and Anor V De Morgan Information Security Systems Ltd. (liquidation)] (https://www.comcourts.gov. Au/file/FEDERAL/P/SYG746/2010/order_list)
In mid–2010, Nakamoto transferred the control of the Bitcoin source code library to Gavin Andresen.
Sakamoto Satoshi github account appears as the author of the bitcoin project
I don’t know the initial avatar for the time being, but at some later time the avatar is changed to DK.
Nakamoto said bitcoin is currently not available for very small micropayments
Satoshi Nakamoto discussed the benefits and prospects of future micropayments
Although I don’t think Bitcoin is now suitable for small payments, it will eventually become a reality as storage space and bandwidth costs continue to fall.
If bitcoin is popular on a large scale, then by that time micropayments have become popular.
Another way to make them more useful is if I implement a client-only model and the number of network nodes merges into a smaller number of professional server farms. No matter how large a small amount of payment you need, it will eventually be feasible. I think bandwidth and storage will be negligible in 5 to 10 years.
Free trading is good, if people don’t abuse it, we can keep it that way.
CSW’s first marriage was end of October 2010
CSW published “Economics of Developing Secure Embedded Software”, published in 8th Proceedings of the Australian Information Security Management Conference.
WikiLeaks supports bitcoin donation, [Zhong Bencong post: think it is not a good time] (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2216.msg29280 #msg29280)
Nakamoto is in the forum last post
World-class hacker Dan Kaminsky tried to crack the bitcoin code, [but failed] (https://www.businessinsider.com /dan-kaminsky-highlights-flaws-bitcoin–2013–4).
Kaminsky said: “He is a world-class programmer with a deep understanding of the C++ programming language,” he said. “He understands economics, cryptography and peer-to-peer networks. There is a group of people working for this, or this talent is a genius.”
In order to continue the work of CSW, DK and CSW sold codes for legal gambling to countries such as Costa Rica. DK is at the greatest risk because gambling is illegal in Australia. link
DK established [W&K Information Defense Research Corporation] in Florida (https://www.manta.com/c/mr5pz3q/wk-info-defense-research-llc ),[Registration Details](http://search.sunbiz.org/Inquiry/CorporationSearch/SearchResultDetail?inquirytype=OfficerRegisteredAgentName&directionType=Initial&searchNameOrder=COINEXCHPTYLTD%20L110000199042&aggregateId=flal-l11000019904-dce79b55–176a–4442–93a7–3c8896316aa2&searchTerm=Coin-Exch %20Pty%20Ltd&listNameOrder=COINEXCHPTYLTD%20L110000199042)
- This is a company established by CSW and DK, registered with DK,
- Minutes of meetings between ATO and CSW Australia: CSW and DK founded W&K Info Defense LLC (W&K). W&K operates bitcoin mining and software development/research operations.
- CSW founded Information Defense Pty Ltd in 2009
- Source: DK Relatives suing CSW case file
CSW’s work as one of the contributors [Official (ISC) 2® ISSMP® CBK® Guide] (https://www.amazon.com/Official-Guide -CISSP-ISSMP-Press/dp/1420094432)Published
Amazon’s introduction to CSW supports his many master’s degrees at Charles Stewart University and lectures on digital forensics
Nakamoto sent the last email to Gavin Andresen: “I have already turned to other things. Bitcoin is safe to hand over to Gavin and everyone.” Lack of connection
Gavin Andresen posted that he will be speaking at the emerging intelligence conference in the US intelligence community in June [to the CIA about Bitcoin] (https://bitcointalk.org/? Topic=6652.0). The specific time is June 14 at the CIA headquarters, Langley Virginia. It is not open to the public, the meeting is only for the US intelligence community.
2011–05 to 2014–05 CSW is a part-time scholar at Charles Stewart University [confirmed by Charles Sturt’s statement to Forbes] (https://www.forbes. Com/sites/thomasbrewster/2015/12/11/bitcoin-creator-satoshi-craig-wright-lies-hoax/#19b66a676794)
CSW was appointed as Director of Asia Pacific by GICSR. vice president. Document 1, [Document 2] (https://www.theaustralian.com.au/business /technology/hunted-must-become-hunter-to-combat-cyber-crime/news-story/5e4ec0b09d8121f5431cc6b0c84db5ac),Material 3
GICSR is a non-profit global network security + research institute led by the private sector
Gavin Andresen announced the 2011–06–14 [Clinical PDF] published at the CIA (CIA) (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php? Topic=6652.msg251755#msg251755).
CSW published an article on The Conversation: [LulzSec, Anonymous … freedom fighters or the new face of evil?] (https://theconversation. Com/lulzsec-anonymous-freedom-fighters-or-the-new-face-of-evil–2605#comment_6159). This is the earliest record of bitcoin publicly mentioned by CSW.
In the comments in this article, CSW lists a number of alternatives to PayPal, mentioning several bitcoins: bit coins, digital coin.
CSW published in the 9th Australian Information Security Management Conference Proceedings [“Using checklists to make better best”] (https://ro.ecu.edu.au/ism /133/)
CSW registered a company in the UK: C01N LTD
April 10, 2014 Appointed Ms. Uyen T Nguyen as Director
April 14, 2014 Appointment of Mr. David Kleiman as Director
April 15, 2014 Termination of appointment David Kleiman as Director
But DK has died in 13 years! !
CSW Evaluation of Territorial Behavior and Botnets in the 10th Australia Proceedings of Information Security Management Conference
At the beginning of April 2013, CSW and DK quarreled. At that time, there was a shortage of money. A lot of bitcoin was not good for sale. [This is the last time CSW contacted DK] (https:/ /medium.com/@craig_10243/the-fury-fb603e344d20)
DK was found dead Police Investigation Report
CSW released [Remembrance DK Video] (https://web.archive.org/web/20130509011754/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= pGmZ7v3TB2Y).
CSW registered hotwirepe.com domain name
CSW founded a startup company, Hotwire, to build “Denariuz Bank”, the first Bitcoin bank
- CSW claims that Denariuz will receive more than [100,000 bitcoins for bank funds pool] from its supporters (https://www.businessinsider.com.au/aussie-technologists-are-opening-the-worlds-first- Bitcoin-based-bank-this-year–2014–2)
- Hotwire’s failure was attributed to May 2014 [Mt Gox Bitcoin Exchange Disintegration] (https://www.businessinsider.com.au/revealed-the-ato-hit-suspected-bitcoin-creator-craig- Steven-wrights-company-with-a–1–7-million-penalty–2015–12)
- 2014 Liquidation Report: Management of McGrath Nicol The officer wrote: "ATO objected to the validity of the claim amount and imposed a fine of $1,716,608.00 on Hotwire.
CSW founded Interconnected Research, link 2, [link 3] (https://connectonline.asic.gov.au/RegistrySearch/faces/landing/panelSearch .jspx?searchText=165472097&searchType=OrgAndBusNm&_adf.ctrl-state=1d97elualp_15)
is a research and development organization that specializes in cryptocurrency. We provide guidance on cryptocurrency-related products, protect intellectual property, and provide patents and commercialization assistance to start-up companies.
Guess: This idea of CSW is not implemented, restarted in nchain in 2017
CSW registered [B1TC01N.ORG domain name] under the name of Hotwire (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=1457039.msg14746453#msg14746453), and later transferred To the C01N company name
CSW Registration b1tc01n.co and bitc01n.co domain name link
CSW participated in the discussion of Bitcoin in Sydney, [Bitcoin IS at Sydney’s Informa Conference 2014] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PtAqNpEm7w&t=0s&index= 6&list=PLT6LGqh34WMBUFn-NBpiT1UQpd-xnpDkc)
CSW Program [opening the first Bitcoin-based bank this year] (https://www.businessinsider.com.au/aussie-technologists-are-opening-the- Worlds-first-bitcoin-based-bank-this-year–2014–2), but at the time the Australian ATO had not clarified how it would handle the bitcoin-related goods and services tax
CSW was interviewed at Bitcoin Melbourne Conference Video 1, [Video 2] (https ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0ttVAPKgTA), Video 3, [Chinese translation] (https://v.youku .com/v_show/id_XMzk1MTU0OTMwOA==.html?spm=a2hzp.8244740.0.0). Described in the CSW video is MetaNet announced in 18 years.
ATO ruled that for capital gains tax, [cryptocurrency should be treated as an asset rather than a currency] (https://www.abc.net.au/news/ 2014–08–20/bitcoin-will-not-be-taxed-as-money-ato-says/5683974). So CSW cannot continue to build the Bitcoin business empire in Australia.
CCTV NEWS [Interview with Charles Sturt University Researcher CSW About Hacker Wars
CSW Interview at Bitcoin Expo video, talked about BlackNet (also It is later MetaNet)
CSW begins DeMorgan’s CEO
- In the six years since the company’s first company was founded, we have completed several bitcoin-based research projects that have been ongoing and are now ready for commercialization.
- Two HPC systems (supercomputers) run by the company as well as AI and machine learning activities
- Video: Gizmodo reporter visits DeMorgan’s office
DeMorgan’s control Cloudcroft
- It controls [two supercomputers] in the Fortune 500 (https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasbrewster/2015/12/11/bitcoin-creator-satoshi-craig-wright-lies-hoax/ #19b66a676794) - Ranked 15th in the world CO1N and ranked 327th Sukuriputo Okane.
- CSW’s Investigating the Potential of Using the Bitcoin Blockchain as the Main Infrastructure for Internet Commerce in the World Supercomputer of 26W+ core
- This page shows 2 supercomputers belonging to Tulip Trading (Tulip Trading)
- These two supercomputers are SGI production, but [SGI denies that Cloudcroft is purchased from SGI] (https://www.zdnet.com/article/sgi-denies-links-with-alleged-bitcoin-founder-craig-wright/ #ftag=RSSbaffb68),CSW Interpretation Main Causes He combined SGI’s equipment with competitor Supermicro’s equipment on 2015–05–29. The second thing is confidentiality, because this machine is used to test his ideas about how to improve Bitcoin. link 2 is not available
- CSW has spent over 15 years on ITMASTER’s free course Free Short Course: Programming on Supercomputers
Nakamoto Satoshin@gmx.com The mailbox was attacked by a person who claimed to be a hacker [link 1] (https://web.archive.org/web/20180623222236/https:/ /motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/jp5dk8/the-satoshi-nakamoto-email-hacker-says-hes-negotiating-with-the-bitcoin-founder),[link 2] (https://bitcointalk.org /index.php?topic=775174.0),link 3
- Hackers reminded Nakamoto in the p2pfoundation forum [information leak](https://web.archive.org/web/20180628142943/http://p2pfoundation.ning.com:80/forum/topics/bitcoin-open-source? Xg_source=activity&id=2003008:Topic:9402&page=4).
- At some time after 2018–06–28 this reply was deleted
CSW registered tuliptrading.net domain name
CSW’s company Hotwire performs clearing. 2016–03–10 uploaded liquidation report
Compilation of +440 Craig Wright´s Post, Papers & Books
(Updated 2019 12 23, in chronological order )
Telegram Channel: Craig Wright Articles
Date - Title - Copilation Post & Papers
1- June 2000 Security in AUSTRALIA Version 1.0 by A. Ashbury and Craig S Wright
1– feb 1, 2001 NT Security: Step-by-Step (Version 3.03) 49 pages
1- 03/09/2005 Implementing an Information Security Management System (ISMS)
2- 2005 Analysis of a serial based digital voice recorder. Paper 60 Pag.
1- Analysis of a Serial Based Digital Voice Recorder
2- 09/01/2006 Electronic Contracting, New Wine in Old Bottles. SSRN ·
3- 31/03/2006 Extending Control, API Hooking. Hakin9
1- Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System
2- 01/01/2007 Beyond automated tools and Frameworks - the shellcode injection process. Hakin9
3- 03/03/2007 The Psychology of Security Dr Craig Wright • Schneier on Security
4- 31/03/2007 Taking control, Functions to DLL injection. Hakin9
5- 03/07/2017 Overwriting Hard Drive Data: The Great Wiping Controversy. Kleiman
6- 16/07/2007 A Taxonomy of InformationSystems Audits, Assessmentsand Reviews. . SANS Institute
7- 01/08/2007 The Problem With Document Destruction. Vol 10. The IIA, USA
BOOK 07/11/2007 Dave Kleiman - The Official CHFI Study Guide
1- 21/01/2008 Requirements for Record Keeping and Document Destruction in a Digital World SANS RR Oct 2007.
2- 31/01/2008 The postal acceptance rule
3- 01/02/2008 “Electronic Contracting in an Insecure World” SANS RR Nov 2007.
4- 05/03/2008 Defamation and the diffculties of law on the Internet.
5- 19/04/2008 . The application, scope and limits of Letters of Indemnity
6- 21/04/2008 . UCP 500 - successful or not.
7- 03/07/2008 Detecting Hydan: Statistical Methods For Classifying The Use Of Hydan Based Stegonagraphy In Executable Files.
BOOK - 04/07/2008 "The IT Regulatory and Standards Compliance Handbook:
How to Survive Information Systems Audit and Assessments"
8- 07/07/2008 Statistical Methods to Determine the Authenticity of Data.
9- 03/09/2008 . How math can help with forensics
10- 27/10/2008 . How math can help with forensics
BOOK - 14/11/2008 Mobile Malware Attacks and Defense - 440 Pages
11- 15/12/2008 . Destruction of adverse documents
12- 30/12/2008 Current Issues in DNS. - Sans Technology Inst, USA
December 2008 Overwriting Hard Drive Data: The Great Wiping Controversy. 16 Pag Kleiman
1- 15/01/2009 . Overwriting Hard Drive Data
2- 28/01/2009 . Spin-Stand Microscopy of Hard Disk Data (Dave Kleiman)
3- 18/02/2009 Free Windows Drive tools
4- 11/03/2009 SQL, Databases and Forensics. SANS
5- 24/04/2009 Code skills make better Forensic Analysts
BOOK - 22/05/2009 Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP(R)-ISSMP(R) CBK
"Law, Investigations, Forensics and Ethics".
6- 29/06/2009 . Hard Drive Errors and Replacements
7- 28/09/2009 . Reverse Enginnering Java
1- 09/03/2010 . Building a UNIX/Linux Incident response / Forensic Disk
2- 10/03/2010 . Unix Logging
3- 12/03/2010 . Unix Network and System profiling
4- 15/03/2010 . Finding out about other users on a Linux system
5- 22/03/2010 . Finer Points of Find
6- 24/03/2010 . Unix System Accounting and Process Accounting
7- 09/04/2010 . Undersanding *NIX File Linking (ln)
8- 13/04/2010 . An anti-forensics dd primer
9- 28/05/2010 Criminal Specialization as a corollary of Rational Choice.” ICBIFE, HK
10- 24/06/2010 . NDIFF for incident detection
11- 13/07/2010 . Linux Programming Tools
12- 24/08/2010 Packer Analysis Report – Debugging and unpacking the NsPack 3.4 and 3.7 packer. Sans Technology Inst, USA
13- 11/11/2010 Economics of Developing Security Embedded Software
14- 30/11/2010 The Economics of Developing Security Embedded Software.
15- 01/12/2010 Software, Vendors and Reputation: an analysis of the dilemma in creating secure software” Intrust 2010 China
1- 2011 Rationally Opting for the Insecure Alternative: Negative Externalities and the Selection of Security Controls. CISIS Spain
2- 08/01/2011 A Quantitative Analysis into the Economics of Correcting Software . CISIS Spain 2010
3- 25/01/2011 . Erasing drives should be quick and easy
4- 26/01/2011 Using checklists to make better best Craig S. Wright, Tanveer A. Zia
5- 15/02/2011 Modeling System Audit as a Sequential test with Discovery as a Failure Time Endpoint” ICBIFE, HK. Wright, C & Via, T (2011)
BOOK - 11/04/2011 Official (ISC)2® Guide to the ISSMP® CBK® ((ISC)2 Press)- 470 Pag.
6- 01/06/2011 Scanning for Malware Offline is Essential
7- 24/08/2011 Starting to Write Your Own Shellcode 4 Pages
8- 24/08/2011 A preamble into aligning Systems engineering and Information security risk measures” ICBIFE, HK
9- 24/08/2011 Exploiting format Strings with Python. Hakin9
10- 24/08/2011 Starting to write your own shellcode. Hakin9
BOOK -31/08/2011 Check Point NGX R65 Security Administration- 800 Pages
11- 20/09/2011 the Law Says about Distributing a Virus or Malware
12- 26/09/2011 SCADA: Air Gaps Do Not Exist
13- 11/10/2011 A Preamble into Aligning Systems Engineering and Information Security Risk
14- 01/11/2011 Of Black Swans, Platypii and Bunyips. The outlier and normal incident in risk management. CACS2011 Australia
15- 01/12/2011 A comparative study of attacks against Corporate IIS and Apache Web Servers. Sans Technology Inst, USA
1- 05/12/2012 . Territorial behavior and the economics of Botnets
1- 02/05/2013 . Today's manifesto...
1- 10/07/2014 Audio Radio Interview back when CSW worked for Hotwire PE.
1- 15/01/2015 How cyber terror and cyber espionage will change the face of SCADA in the coming decade” National SCADA Conference (May 2012)
2- 18/06/2015 .VIDEO Lecture 1: Free Short Course: Programming on Supercomputers
3- 23/06/2015 .VIDEO Lecture 2: Free Short Course: Programming on Supercomputers
3- 01/07/2015 .VIDEO Lecture 3: Free Short Course: Programming on Supercomputers
5- 08/07/2015 .VIDEO Lecture 4: Free Short Course: Programming on Supercomputers
6- 15/07/2015 .VIDEO Lecture 5: Free Short Course: Programming on Supercomputers
1- 26/04/2016 . Generating a Bitcoin address
2- 26/04/2016 . Tulips and Other Myths
3- 28/04/2016 . Social Choice, Bitcoin, and Arrow’s Theorem
4- 28/04/2016 . Bitcoin Mining: Consistency and the Distribution of Transactions
5- 28/04/2016 . What happens after Moore’s law….
6- 28/04/2016 . Bitcoin and the costs of consumption
7- 02/05/2016 . Jean-Paul Sartre, signing and significance
8- 02/05/2016 . Jean-Paul Sartre, Signing and Significance
2017 (44 Articles & Papers)
Date _ Copilation Post
01/03/2017 _ Freedom is a right that must be carefully tended.
362 Pages
01/04/2017 _ Today's manifesto...
01/04/2017 _ On testing and causal statements
01/04/2017 _ Keynesian flaws.
01/04/2017 _ Human rights and property
22/04/2017 _ The Impact of Internet Intermediary Liability _ 90 Pages
22/04/2017 _ Testing Homogeneity of Variance _ 89 Pages
24/04/2017 _ Electronic Contracting, New Wine in Old Bottles _ 19 Pages
01/05/2017 _ My Past with the UFA
02/05/2017 _ The fallacy of Gresham's law as it relates to Bitcoin
03/05/2017 _ The distributed processing system
17/05/2017 _ Bitcoin vs The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality
18/05/2017 _ The Resentment of the Experts
20/05/2017 _ Attacks, Slander, and Censorship
22/05/2017 _ Genesis
23/05/2017 _ Myth and Reality, Security is Really About Economics
24/05/2017 _ The SegWit 15% Attack
25/05/2017 _ Tulips and Other Myths
27/05/2017 _ Segregated Witness or Separated Legality
13/06/2017 _ Nodes
19/06/2017 _ Life-cycle Hypothesis
24/06/2017 _ Bank Lending Decisions, Asymmetric Information, Adverse Selection, and Moral Hazard.
28/06/2017 _ Fearing Companies
28/06/2017 _ Proof of Work as it Relates to the Theory of the Firm _ 13 Pages
28/06/2017 _ The Illusion of Scale in Segregated Witness _ 9 Pages
28/06/2017 _ The Irrationality Defense of Paternalism _ 7 Pages
29/06/2017 _ Banks versus markets.
30/06/2017 _ Requirements for Record Keeping and Document Destruction in a Digital World _ 81 Pages
30/06/2017 _ Sisyphus Impenitent _ 7 Pages
04/07/2017 _ The Asian Currency Crisis
11/07/2017 _ 1/5 Bitcoin and the Connection to Contracting
13/07/2017 _ 2/5 Bitcoin and the Connection to Contracting
15/07/2017 _ 3/5 Bitcoin and the Connection to Contracting
17/07/2017 _ 4/5 Bitcoin and the Connection to Contracting
19/07/2017 _ 5/5 Bitcoin and the Connection to Contracting
25/07/2017 _ The Fallacy of Selfish Mining in Bitcoin: A Mathematical Critique _ 18
27/07/2017 _ The Fallacy of the Selfish Miner in Bitcoin: An Economic Critique _ 7
03/08/2017 _ The Myth of Anti-Competitive Pricing
29/10/2017 _ Spending the simple way in Bitcoin cash.
13/11/2017 _ Scaling Bitcoin and what some will do to stop this
17/11/2017 _ The trouble with Too much of anything
18/11/2017 _ Investigation of the Potential for Using the Bitcoin Blockchain as the World's Primary Infrastructure for Internet Commerce _ 34 Pages
14/12/2017 _ Sustainable blockchain-enabled services: Smart contracts _ 10 Pages
2018 (190 Articles & Papers)
Date _ Copilation Post
30/03/2018 _ Poisson Processes
31/03/2018 _ The cancer that is the Selfish mining fallacy
02/04/2018 _ Bitcoin: SEIR-C Propagation Models of Block and Transaction Dissemination
03/04/2018 _ Bitcoin and Quantum Computing
09/04/2018 _ The Markov mysteries...
10/04/2018 _ Why Selfish miners do not exist and never will
17/04/2018 _ Understanding Conditionals in Shellcode
17/04/2018 _ Searching for Exploits, SCAPY Fuzzing
17/04/2018 _ Taking Control, Functions to DLL Injection
17/04/2018 _ Beyond Automated Tools and Frameworks: The Shellcode Injection Process
17/04/2018 _ Starting to Write Your Own Linux Shellcode
17/04/2018 _ Extending Control, API Hooking
28/04/2018 _ Beyond Godel
28/04/2018 _ Turing Complete Bitcoin Script White Paper
29/04/2018 _ The Fallacy of the Selfish Miner in Bitcoin: An Economic Critique
03/05/2018 _ Bitcoin is evolution, not revolution
04/05/2018 _ The cancer in Bitcoin
05/05/2018 _ Angel Funding Project 1
10/05/2018 _ Evidence and Choice of Law
10/05/2018 _ Life, the universe and everything.
07/06/2018 _ OP Codes and the push to confuse.
09/06/2018 _ Iron and Steel
10/06/2018 _ Bitcoin and banking... part 1
10/06/2018 _ A call to arms
10/06/2018 _ Today's thought experiment
19/06/2018 _ Lightning is malleable… Steel is not
02/07/2018 _ Negotiable Instruments
14/08/2018 _ Money Must First Be Stable
14/08/2018 _ The myths of Bitcoin
16/08/2018 _ The cult of Decentralisation
19/08/2018 _ Limited change to bring stability
01/09/2018 _ Black Mirror
02/09/2018 _ Banking on Bitcoin
02/09/2018 _ The crypto-ring of Gyges
04/09/2018 _ Death and taxes, it is time to kill off mythical beasts
05/09/2018 _ The paradox of the Übermensch
06/09/2018 _ Vampire Securities from beyond the Wormhole
07/09/2018 _ Worm-a-nomics
07/09/2018 _ Repudiation
07/09/2018 _ A diatribe on Bitcoin, Trust and the economy of security (redux)
08/09/2018 _ The Gamma Monstrosity & the Probability Deception
08/09/2018 _ Why Scaling on-Chain Works
09/09/2018 _ Misconceptions surrounding copyright
10/09/2018 _ Stable by design
11/09/2018 _ Trust and Risk
12/09/2018 _ Human rights and property
13/09/2018 _ The 1937 Crash
14/09/2018 _ Keynesian flaws.
15/09/2018 _ Equality
16/09/2018 _ Q&A/Written Interview — The answers — Part 1
17/09/2018 _ Q&A/Written Interview — The answers — Part 2
17/09/2018 _ Are the Poor Exploited?
18/09/2018 _ Q&A/Written Interview — The answers — Part 3
18/09/2018 _ Dynamic disequilibria and the creation of criminal opportunity
19/09/2018 _ Q&A/Written Interview — The answers — Part 4
19/09/2018 _ IoT and the coming Toaster-world
20/09/2018 _ Q&A/Written Interview — Part 5 I shall continue answering in order
20/09/2018 _ Data World
21/09/2018 _ How Bitcoin Helps Reduce Poverty
22/09/2018 _ Economic Convergence
23/09/2018 _ Where Have all the Unskilled Jobs Gone?
24/09/2018 _ Hoarding and Bitcoin
24/09/2018 _ A house divided
25/09/2018 _ Simplicity in Bitcoin
26/09/2018 _ Why is Bitcoin Open Source?
27/09/2018 _ The postal acceptance rule in Bitcoin
28/09/2018 _ Defining smart contracts
29/09/2018 _ Bitcoin and Contracts
29/09/2018 _ Miners and rational expectations
30/09/2018 _ The application, scope and limits of Letters of Indemnity in Bitcoin Contracts
01/10/2018 _ Bitcoin as a Notary
02/10/2018 _ The error in Coase
03/10/2018 _ Security in a world of IPv6 and Bitcoin
04/10/2018 _ The infinite-money fallacy
05/10/2018 _ The labour fallacy of Bitcoin value
06/10/2018 _ Hidden costs
06/10/2018 _ Scenario 1: Public Registry of an Asset
06/10/2018 _ Scenario 2: Creation and Registry of an Asset
06/10/2018 _ Scenario 3: Lease Contract
06/10/2018 _ Scenario 4: Rolling Contract
06/10/2018 _ Scenario 5: Contract Conditionality
06/10/2018 _ Creating a Smart Contract Registry
07/10/2018 _ Trust in Smart Contracts
08/10/2018 _ Security
09/10/2018 _ Personal Security Device
10/10/2018 _ Bitcoin (BCH) Vending machine
11/10/2018 _ What is Bitcoin
12/10/2018 _ The collectivist insanity
12/10/2018 _ Bitcoin: A Total Turing Machine
12/10/2018 _ A Proof of Turing completeness in Bitcoin Script
12/10/2018 _ What is Bitcoin....
13/10/2018 _ Problems and key questions around Bitcoin
14/10/2018 _ The tax implications of bitcoin as money
15/10/2018 _ The Game of Chicken
15/10/2018 _ Symmetric Fair Exchange Protocol
16/10/2018 _ Digital signature rules and their relationship to bitcoin
16/10/2018 _ A codification scheme for state machines
17/10/2018 _ Foreign-exchange considerations & Bitcoin
17/10/2018 _ A distribution protocol for dealer-less secret distribution
17/10/2018 _ Blockchain-Based Decentralised Autonomous Corporations: An Overview
18/10/2018 _ Monetary transfer and transmission rules
19/10/2018 _ Rights as property
19/10/2018 _ DFA compilation and execution
20/10/2018 _ Phases of the Bitcoin system
21/10/2018 _ Effective Enforcement in the Vastly Distributed Wild Wild Web
21/10/2018 _ Managing Blockchain Automata
22/10/2018 _ Non-Repudiation - Does this exist?
23/10/2018 _ OpSec and the Bitcoin business
24/10/2018 _ Hearsay in the Blockchain world
26/10/2018 _ The Bitcoin Future
26/10/2018 _ Neural Network Threshold Oracles
27/10/2018 _ Burning and why it matters that it is stopped
28/10/2018 _ Taxing Bitcoin - Introduction.
28/10/2018 _ Myths of permission-less
29/10/2018 _ Taxing Bitcoin - ordinary and tax concepts of "money"
30/10/2018 _ Taxing Bitcoin - GST implications of Bitcoin as money
30/10/2018 _ A Bitcoin Smart Risk Contract
30/10/2018 _ The scams in Crypto
31/10/2018 _ Property law in the age of Bitcoin
31/10/2018 _ Tax and Bitcoin - income-tax implications of Bitcoin as money
31/10/2018 _ True sale and insolvency challenges in ICO token sales
01/11/2018 _ The problem of Keynes
01/11/2018 _ Tax and Bitcoin - investment in Bitcoin
01/11/2018 _ Bitcoin as the base layer
02/11/2018 _ The legacy of Keynesian money
02/11/2018 _ Tax and Bitcoin - transacting and accounting for Bitcoin
02/11/2018 _ IPv6 with CGA and Bitcoin
03/11/2018 _ Exporting wealth
03/11/2018 _ IPv6 The secure (Bitcoin) Internet
03/11/2018 _ The Secure (Bitcoin) Internet
04/11/2018 _ Markets and imperfections
04/11/2018 _ Coin burning for dummies
04/11/2018 _ A Distribution Protocol for Dealerless Secret Distribution
04/11/2018 _ Bitcoin: A Total Turing Machine
04/11/2018 _ A Proof of Turing Completeness in Bitcoin Script
06/11/2018 _ Bitcoin is all about incentives
06/11/2018 _ On the minimum wage
06/11/2018 _ Drugs, Fraud and Murder
07/11/2018 _ Buy now, pay later
07/11/2018 _ The politics of rent-seeking
07/11/2018 _ Rent-seeking in economics and crypto
07/11/2018 _ Repudiation
08/11/2018 _ Fixing OPFalse
08/11/2018 _ Sun-setting P2SH
08/11/2018 _ An invitation to treat
09/11/2018 _ P2P and returning IP and domain-based transfers
09/11/2018 _ Laisez-nous faire"
09/11/2018 _ Bitcoin is not Anti State - it is Pro Honest government
10/11/2018 _ The measure of justice
10/11/2018 _ Corporate activism
11/11/2018 _ Payment intermediaries
12/11/2018 _ Prevention is the key
12/11/2018 _ Bitcoin and the long term
13/11/2018 _ Sustaining hash
13/11/2018 _ nSequence and P2P exchange
13/11/2018 _ Building data
13/11/2018 _ Problems and key questions around Bitcoin
14/11/2018 _ Proof of State, or, the new Fed
14/11/2018 _ Miners and Property rights
15/11/2018 _ The hardware wallet in a phone
15/11/2018 _ Set in Stone
15/11/2018 _ Capitalism
16/11/2018 _ Present liability schemes and sanctions
18/11/2018 _ Taking care of business
19/11/2018 _ Commodity and security
20/11/2018 _ Bitcoin is for business
23/11/2018 _ Subsidised ledgers
24/11/2018 _ A house divided
25/11/2018 _ Valuing systems - the margin of substitute goods
26/11/2018 _ Why I troll
09/12/2018 _ Instant transactions
10/12/2018 _ The Fury
10/12/2018 _ Why Silk Road was an abyss
11/12/2018 _ Bitcoin's privacy model
12/12/2018 _ Bitcoin is a commodity
13/12/2018 _ The lie of anarchy and the true value in Bitcoin
14/12/2018 _ BLOCKCHAIN Based Accounting: General Ledger Posting
18/12/2018 _ Private blockchains are a matter of economic forces
18/12/2018 _ Bitcoin in law
18/12/2018 _ Currency
20/12/2018 _ Expectation of Profits
21/12/2018 _ On Predicates
21/12/2018 _ The myth of the full validation node
22/12/2018 _ Account and Transfer Systems
24/12/2018 _ Crowd Funding and ICOs
27/12/2018 _ Breach of contract - remedies for breach
28/12/2018 _ Contract Law and Smart Contracts
29/12/2018 _ Miners and rational expectations
30/12/2018 _ Splitting a registry
2019 (128 Articles & Papers)
Date _ Copilation Post
06/01/2019 _ An immutable file and data store
07/01/2019 _ DAC Decentralized Autonomous Corporation
08/01/2019 _ Why CLTV was a bad idea
08/01/2019 _ Returning Bitcoin to its role
13/01/2019 _ Smart-card-based mobile wallets
16/01/2019 _ The ASIC myth
20/01/2019 _ Taking money over the web using Bitcoin - the way it was designed
23/01/2019 _ Ensuring honest money
23/01/2019 _ Bitcoin and Quantum Computing
27/01/2019 _ Storing IP on the Blockchain
01/02/2019 _ Lightning" Network and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
03/02/2019 _ Generic Thin Operating System for Blockchain IOT Devices
08/02/2019 _ Careful what you wish for...
09/02/2019 _ The story of Bitcoin, continued
10/02/2019 _ Secure wallet systems
10/02/2019 _ Hypocrisy
12/02/2019 _ The false lure of anonymity
14/02/2019 _ The start of Metanet
16/02/2019 _ Proof of Work
16/02/2019 _ Immutable evidence
18/02/2019 _ The great mining swindle
22/02/2019 _ Hello Dave...
24/02/2019 _ Forex accounting in script
25/02/2019 _ Lessons in monetary terms
27/02/2019 _ Statist
03/03/2019 _ Schnorr
03/03/2019 _ Clickwrap smart contracts
04/03/2019 _ Proof of (unregistered) security
06/03/2019 _ The myth of forks
07/03/2019 _ The labour fallacy of mining
10/03/2019 _ Profiting from privacy
13/03/2019 _ Proof
15/03/2019 _ Why Lightning will never be currency, and why BSV matters
17/03/2019 _ Copyright terms ©
18/03/2019 _ Finite State Machines in Script
18/03/2019 _ Learning Script
18/03/2019 _ Free Speech
19/03/2019 _ DMCA
20/03/2019 _ Forks as a demerger, or a split as a copy?
21/03/2019 _ Privacy versus hypocrisy
22/03/2019 _ Peer-to-peer digital electronic cash
24/03/2019 _ Digital Rights Management: Serialised Media
27/03/2019 _ How to make a brain wallet
28/03/2019 _ Why the protocol is set
29/03/2019 _ Locked transactions for planning
30/03/2019 _ Welcome to science
01/04/2019 _ On testing and causal statements
02/04/2019 _ Saving research
03/04/2019 _ Decentralized planning
05/04/2019 _ Satoshi Nakamoto
06/04/2019 _ Two steps forward, one step back
07/04/2019 _ My Mentor
07/04/2019 _ Panopticrypt
08/04/2019 _ The Reason for Law
08/04/2019 _ Bit Gold Is Not BitCoin
09/04/2019 _ From simplicity comes …
10/04/2019 _ Forget anonymity.
11/04/2019 _ Bitcoin and Contract Jurisdiction
11/04/2019 _ Trolls and bullies
12/04/2019 _ The Genesis of Genesis
12/04/2019 _ Evidence and law
13/04/2019 _ Patent wars…
14/04/2019 _ Bitcoin is not against banks
15/04/2019 _ BTC and Censorship
16/04/2019 _ Wiki
17/04/2019 _ We don’t want to lead with “anonymous”
20/04/2019 _ The "Perfect" Firewall…
23/04/2019 _ The immovable
25/04/2019 _ Misinformation and the myth of Satoshi
26/04/2019 _ Decentralised or just inefficient?
27/04/2019 _ The wheel of time is not on an axis
30/04/2019 _ The puzzle of the double hash
08/05/2019 _ Don’t be fooled — Bitcoin is not BTC
10/05/2019 _ “Custodial standards”
13/05/2019 _ Crypto flim-flam
14/05/2019 _ Money is a measuring stick
16/05/2019 _ “Institutional madness”
18/05/2019 _ Why code must not be law
20/05/2019 _ Funding and rights
22/05/2019 _ “Economic Security”
23/05/2019 _ Satoshi and the Sophists
24/05/2019 _ Shades of Black…
29/05/2019 _ The GST Story
30/05/2019 _ Satoshi and Science.
03/06/2019 _ From the Bygone Days of Yore — Part 1
04/06/2019 _ MSBs and Account-Based Systems
06/06/2019 _ Fully Peer-to-Peer
07/06/2019 _ The Right to Privacy
11/06/2019 _ Feign Madness but Keep Your Balance.
12/06/2019 _ Monetary Law and Blockchains.
13/06/2019 _ On scammers.
17/06/2019 _ Taxing crypto.
18/06/2019 _ The Genetic Fallacy
21/06/2019 _ 5/5 Bitcoin and the connection to contracting
21/06/2019 _ 4/5 Bitcoin and the connection to contracting
26/06/2019 _ Operating an Escrow Document Storage and Secure Signing Registry.
16/07/2019 _ Logical Fallacies and the SCADA Problem
24/07/2019 _ Reversing Illicit Transactions on Bitcoin Is Simple.
25/07/2019 _ Spam Away…
26/07/2019 _ Zeno’s Paradoxes and Bitcoin.
29/07/2019 _ Subsidised Growth.
30/07/2019 _ Contradictions
01/08/2019 _ PII in the Bitcoin World
02/08/2019 _ Why Law Matters
05/08/2019 _ The Imbalance of Payments
07/08/2019 _ Quota.
12/08/2019 _ The Gini Inequality Flaw
16/08/2019 _ How Keynes Failed To Comprehend Say’s Law
20/08/2019 _ Good Title Is Not a Key.
BOOK -25/08/2019 Satoshi's Vision: The Art of Bitcoin _ 155 Pages
30/08/2019 _ The Myth of Anti-Competitive Pricing.
01/09/2019 _ Bitcoin Is Anything BUT Anonymous.
03/09/2019 _ Human Rights and Property.
06/09/2019 _ Rights and Tracing.
12/09/2019 _ Satoshi’s Vision: The Art of Bitcoin
27/09/2019 _ The art of Bitcoin CSW
27/09/2019 _ Satoshi; or, The Solution to Nakamoto’s Dilemma.
09/10/2019 _ Simplified Payment Verification.
15/10/2019 _ Taxing Times.
21/10/2019 _ If Gold Turned to Lead.
23/10/2019 _ Bitcoin Fights Corruption
02/11/2019 _ Merkle Trees and SPV.
04/11/2019 _ On Scammers, a redux.
05/11/2019 _ A Fundamental Misunderstanding
08/11/2019 _ Digital Gold.
13/11/2019 _ Proof of Assignment
15/11/2019 _ Transparency and Government.
25/11/2019 _ Work Is Infinite….
listado de 350 artículos y papers de Craig.
Compilation of Craig Wright Post and papers (2019 07 30)
1- Craig Wright - Satoshi
2- Craig Wright Academic
3- Craig Wright Articles
4- Craig Wright Book
5- Craig Wright Business
6- Craig Wright Channel
7- Craig Wright Cybersecurity
8- Craig Wright Economics
9- Craig Wright Ideology
10- Craig Wright Interviews
11- Craig Wright Interviews Videos
12- Craig Wright Legal
13- Craig Wright Patent
14- Craig Wright Personal
15- Craig Wright Religion
16- Craig Wright video talks
17 Craig Wright fight criminals
18 Craig Wright government friendly
19 Craig Wright Chat
The art of Bitcoin. Craig S. Wright
The Satoshi afaire. 30 June 2016
Names in alphabetical order:
Alan Turing
Ayn Rand
Calvin Ayre
Daniel Connolly
Dave Kleiman
Dave Kleiman & Craig Tulip Trading Trust- News
David Rees
Gavin Andresen
George Gilder
Hal Finney
Ian Grigg
Jimmy Nguyen
Jon Matonis
Joseph Vaughn Perling
Lisa & Danni
Mike Hearn
Ramona WATTS
Ray Dillinger
Robert MacGregor
Ryan X. Charles
Stefan Matthews
Steve Shadders
Tominaga Nakamoto
Uyen T Nguyen
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