Oh my Satoshi
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→ 10th Birthday Genesis
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→ 10th Birthday Whitepaper
Digital Rights and Ownership Royalties on Bitcoin
Published by Bitcoin Association on Feb 2, 2020
Aaron Burns, the Chief Financial Officer of Twetch, discusses how their company is changing the digital rights ownership landscape and ensuring that content creators will rightfully get their due. The presentation was made during the Twetch Bitcoin SV Meetup in Berlin, Germany in 2019.
Source: youtube.com
"AUSSIE MAN BAD" Exclusive Interview with Dr. Craig S. Wright a.k.a. Satoshi Nakamoto
Dr Wright answers questions on Tech / Whitepaper / Law / Philosophy / Religion and Conspiracy!
Published by CJ TV on 11 Feb 2020
BSV China: Build Everything with the Original Bitcoin with Dr. Craig Wright
nChain Chief Scientist Dr. Craig Wright shared his vision for Bitcoin--a system that allows micropayments and secure Internet of Things devices. He also reiterated that he designed Bitcoin to be transparent and not to be anonymous.
The presentation was made at the BSV China Conference in Beijing, China last December 2019.
Published by Bitcoin Association 10 Feb 2020
CSW 09:43 Feb 6, 2020
There is a Cypherpunk mailing list - Bitcoin was NEVER announced there. I was on that list. - And I did not use it for Bitcoin
The list used was a common general list used originally by MANY in the field - even those in the NSA and DHS.
The Toad Cypherpunk list is not the Cryptography list http://ftp.arnes.si/packages/crypto-tools/cypherpunks/mailing_list/
These are separate.
Bitcoin is a new design for a fully peer-to-peer electronic cash system. A C++ implementation is under development for release as an open source project.
The C++ implementation is released as an Open Source Project - NOT the protocol!
It DOES matter where we are now...
As - YOU ARE USING MY IP - and I maintain those rights.
And, I believe and respect LAW
What is not relevant - Kraken and the drive to be outside the law and profit from Money laundering.
You want 1984 level Cherry picking - That thread https://twitter.com/danheld/status/...
Bitcoin was NOT created for the financial crisis. It was started well before that - AND that shit occured right when I launched Bitcoin.
Again - BITCOIN had NOTHING to do with CypherPunks
Hyena (CryptoGraffiti.info) 13:57
As a software developer I always found it strange that Satoshi managed to deliver Bitcoin right on time for the financial crisis :lächeln: but I didn't turn much attention to this anomaly back then (so I believed the popular narrative).
I always figured it must have been a fairly long process to think out all the relevant parts of Bitcoin. Years. Not months or weeks. So i never swallowed that BS about the financial crisis being the trigger for Bitcoin. Historical anomaly. Circumstance. An idea who’s time had come. (bearbeitet)
It was years
And the international banking crisis really was when the collapse of the investment bank Lehman Brothers occurred. This was on September 15, 2008.
I had already sent copies of the draft paper to multiple people by August 2008 and registered the domain etc well before Sept 2008.
I am NOT omniscient- I did not foresee Lehman Bro's
The system was close to ready in Nov 2008 and was known BEFORE the Sept 2008 collapse.
Hence - BitCoin had NOTHING at all to do with the GFC. It was not about banking. YES, I did not like what Chancellor Darling was saying...He wanted to reverse the reforms Thatcher introduced and nationalise the banks.
I LIKE banks - I just do not like the shit they have been doing - as a result of leftist BS about all people DESERVING a home loan.
Metanet.ico Slack on Feb 6, 2020
The Return to Genesis - From @cryptoAcorns Perspective
This is a presentation I gave at the Bitcoin SV San Francisco Meetup on 2/4/2020.
I decided to record this on my YouTube channel so people can view it and get a high level understanding of the changes in the Genesis upgrade, what the changes mean long term for Bitcoin and their implications.
Published by Joshua Henslee on 5 Feb 2020
10000X | Richard Heart #Songify
Songify Remix of Richard Heart
Published by Post Polar on 5 Feb 2020
This equation will change how you see the world
The logistic map connects fluid convection, neuron firing, the Mandelbrot set and so much more. Fasthosts are giving UK viewers the chance to win tickets, flight, and accommodation to SXSW 2020 by answering my Techie Test question: https://www.fasthosts.co.uk/veritasium
Published by Veritasium on 29 Jan 2020
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