Oh my Satoshi
Craig Wright on Medium - Images
- OP Codes and the push to confuse.
- Iron and Steel
- Lightning is malleable… Steel is not
- Negotiable Instruments
- Money Must First Be Stable
- The myths of Bitcoin
- The cult of Decentralisation
- Limited change to bring stability
- Black Mirror
- Banking on Bitcoin
- The crypto-ring of Gyges
- Death and taxes, it is time to kill off mythical beasts
- The paradox of the Übermensch
- Vampire Securities from beyond the Wormhole
- Worm-a-nomics
- The Gamma Monstrosity & the Probability Deception
- Why Scaling on-Chain Works
- Misconceptions surrounding copyright
- Stable by design
- Trust and Risk
- Human rights and property
- The 1937 Crash
- Keynesian flaws.
- Equality
- Q&A/Written Interview
— The answers — Part 1
- Q&A/Written Interview
— The answers — Part 2
- Q&A/Written Interview
— The answers — Part 3
- Q&A/Written Interview
— The answers — Part 4
- Q&A/Written Interview
— The answers — Part 5
- Are the Poor Exploited?
- Dynamic disequilibria and the creation of criminal opportunity
- IoT and the coming Toaster-world
- Data World
- How Bitcoin Helps Reduce Poverty
- Economic Convergence
- Where Have all the Unskilled Jobs Gone?
- Hoarding and Bitcoin
- Simplicity in Bitcoin
- Why is Bitcoin Open Source?
- The postal acceptance rule in Bitcoin
- Defining smart contracts
- Bitcoin and Contracts
- Introduction
- The application, scope and limits of Letters of Indemnity in Bitcoin Contracts
- Bitcoin as a Notary
- The error in Coase
- Security in a world of IPv6 and Bitcoin
- The infinite-money fallacy
- The labour fallacy of Bitcoin value
- Hidden costs
- Scenario 1: Public Registry of an Asset
- Scenario 2: Creation and Registry of an Asset
- Scenario 3: Lease Contract
- Scenario 4: Rolling Contract
- Scenario 5: Contract Conditionality
- Trust in Smart Contracts
- Security
- Personal Security Device
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